What is Dharma?

February 13, 2022No comments

What is Dharma


What is Dharma?

Dharma is something that regulates life. This principle shown as Dharma is shown by the Veda. By knowing Dharma what would happen to you? 

You will be able to take the right decisions, follow the right actions as a result of correct understanding, and as a result of right actions, then the person attains abhyudaya, which means prosperity.

Internal prosperity external prosperity. at the level of body, mind intellect, prosperity at the level of individual and the society,  Prosperity that is internal and external, and that’s why it is called as Abhyudaya.

Dharma is the cause of Abhyudaya.  This Dharma becomes known to you through Shabda Pramaana known as the bheda. If Veda was not there, how would you know what is Dharma. And if you did not know what the Dharma is, how would you be able to hold a meaningful relationship?

Brahama means that supreme reality, that reality of life, Dharma is the principle of life. Life itself is the principle on which life conducts itself, but Brahma is that principle that the reality of life knowing which, a person can become free from suffering altogether. Completely, That is Brahma. These are the two things that are shown to you by Veda.

And there the person who does not have Veda as the pramanan, then he is blind. He can have direct perception, he can have inference to help him conduct through life, but he will not be able to achieve dharma.

Transcription of Swamiji’s talk on What is Dharma 31/1/2019 Noida

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