The arrival of spring is celebrated with colors because nature also exhibits the colors and fragrance. The birds, the butterflies, the bees; everything as if comes to life celebrating the existence. In the Indian culture, everything that has been given by the nature, everything that is seen in existence is celebrated as an expression of Parmatma. Therefore, the joy which is abundant as our own nature, as our own self, which now is seen all over in form of the colors and fragrance, is also celebrated as a festival. This is the festival of the Holi. The festival of colors, the festival of laughter, the festival of joy, the festival of youthfulness. Bhagwan Shri Krishna represents to us not only the supreme truth but also the joy, the happiness which is fullest, expressed in the empirical world. Let us all join in the celebration of the Holi to bring the colors, the fragrance, the laughter back to this Earth. The winter is gone, hibernation has finished and life has begun again. The cycle of life, from hibernation to activity, from the joyous activity back to the rest and sleep is the cycle of life. Let us all celebrate this Holi remembering Bhagwan Shri Krishna and his past times. May this Holi of 2022 bring us joy, because there was a long spell of the pandemic. And I wish all of you are very happy, Holi, and let life come back into its groove. Har Har Mahadev
Holi message by Mahamandaleshwar Swamiji Abhishek Chaitanya Giri