If you bookmark the website on your phone, it will be easy and quick to access. Follow our steps to bookmark the website of Servants of Shankara Foundation on your mobile phone.
Bookmark website on an android
Step 1: Open Chrome on your device.
Step 2: Type “Servantsofshankara.com” in the search bar.
Step 3: Click the three-dot menuat the right corner of the browser.
Step 4: Click on the starand the bookmark will be added.
Bookmark website on an iPhone
Step 1: Start the Safari app.
Step 2: Type Servantsofshankara.com in the search bar.
Step 3: Click on the Share button (the square with an arrow).
Step 4: Tap on “Add bookmark”.
After adding the bookmark, you can even edit it as per your requirements or keep the name as it is.